inactive since 2014-08-22
inaktiv seit 2014-08-22
Rollermill by Rueter 2011

The Roller Mill

Development and examples of use

The new roller-mill by Rüter with build rolls for fast roll change

This video shows:

  • first prototype, a modified Baumgarten roller mill equipped with a roll package, with self-engaging built rollers (2004)
  • a roller mill with plain rolls in a wheat mill, dismantled protection device (2007)
  • a roller mill prototype at third break in a maize semolina mill (2008)
  • Another prototype roller mill as pre-break roller after the dry-degerm. Capacity of 2.5 t/h (2009)
  • roller mills in a 60 t/d maize semolina mill (September 2010)
    • double-roller mill with 600 mm roller length, 3rd and 4th break
    • double-roller mill with 1000 mm roller length, 1st and 2nd break
    • single-roller mill with 600 mm roller length, used as pre-break roller
  • the Roller mills in a maize semolina mill October 2010
  • the roll change in a roll package with built rollers. Live, duration approx 5 minutes.

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